tisdag 9 september 2014

First day at the WWOOFer Village

Yo, yo, yo!
How's it going?
I'm finally at the WWOOFer Village! Woop!

Woke up this morning in a small-ass tent, at 5.30am in the morning and I felt really lazy to get up (Obviously I did not go to yoga either this morning). As usual sleeping in a tent my camping-mattress deflated during the night so I woke up with aches on my ass and hips (since I sleep on the side and that's the part of my body that "most stands out"), and also with a lot of tension in my shoulders since I was unusually cold during the night. But besides the fact of not getting such a great goodnight sleep in the tent, struggling to get up in the middle of the night to pee, and with humid patches on the side of the tent, I actually really enjoyed my first night. As the nature-lover and outdoorsy kind of person that I am, I really love camping. It's such a cozy feeling to crawl in to a tent and have to zipp yourself into a cocoon kind of shape. I love it!

Moving on... Apparently every morning the WWOOFers here at the Village have a morning and midday-gathering with the BOSS, an awesome guy called Madreya. The point to these gatherings is to break up into smaller groups of ≈6 ppl and get assigned with daily chores, and to bring up stuff that is general information to all WWOOFers; such as that the girl's toilets are currently very filthy and that we should keep them clean and learn how to aim (or as one of the male WWOOFers expressed out loud "Girls are disgusting!" Haha!). I forgot to mention that every morning starts with the sound of out own personal "rooster" (Madreya) calling out "HAAARIBOOOL!" (Which literally means"Shout Hari!", it's like saying "Praise the Lord", it's used in the same way, since Hari is one of the names of Krishna). Anyway, it's quite nice to get such a wake up call, it feels like I should start to collect exotic ways of waking up in the morning :-)

Morning gathering.
Madreya is the fifth person starting from the right. 

Morning pictures of part of the Krishna WWOOFer Village (photos taken by Julian):

Kitchen, dining area and fireplace hang-out area.
Also notice the stone oven (decorated with beautiful mosaic) that previous WWOOFers have built. 

Closer look to the Hammock/ Vegetarian Quotes and Kitchen.

Hang-out area.

The first day of work was really nice. It's really chill to be here. Actually, to be honest, we don't really work that hard, haha! (anybody who has done WWOOFing here will probably agree). I was assigned to do some weeding, digging and planting of eggplants along with eight other people: Sean from Canada; Chu (spelling?) from New Zealand/China; Damian from South Korea; Genna (pronounced like Gina) from New Zealand; Anna from Amsterdam (we all know where that is ;-)); Cory from England; and Dani & Maggie both from Argentina. 

I spent the afternoon chilling with a group of friends in the sun and listening to a couple of them play gitarr/sing.

Dani, Maggie and me lying down.
Cleo (from Belgium) with sunglasses sitting up leaning on her hands.
Anna with a headband and her back turned against the camera,
Sean holding the gitarr and Julian (from Germany) taking the photo.

I forgot to mention yesterday that they have a few rules here at the Hare Krishna Community (including the WWOOFing Village). They are:

-No intoxication (alcohol, coffee, cigarettes or drugs).

-No illicit sex (or public nudity- obviously).
-No gambling (?!)
-No animal products/Ovo-lacteoVegetarian diet (Ovo Lacteo means you can eat eggs and dairy products but no pork, lamb, meat, chicken, seafood or fish. Also animal gelatine is not allowed, which means most lollies (candy) are not allowed).
-Absolutely No harm to Cows (since Cows are a holy animal in India and the Hindu religion).

Anyway. I have been writing for a while now...

I will update more tomorrow.


Hope you have an outstanding Tuesday everybody :-)

xx, Elsa.

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